Transforming thoughts Transforming Reality.
Truth or TRP?
Media is the main means of mass communication (Television, Radio, and Newspaper)
regarded collectively.
Truth: which is true or in
accordance with fact or reality.
TRP is Television Rating Point is a tool provided to judge which programmes are
viewed the most.
In this world no one would like to be first from last, our Media always strives
to bring the extra spice in news to increase the number of viewers for the show
regardless of the severity, truth, intense of the news. It is said whoever
controls the Media, controls the Mind. Today media is likely to be working for TRP at the end of the day it is
a business, but a business can’t be done against truth. Media has tremendous principles
and had played vital role in making world a global village but in country like
India where still disbelief, illiteracy, poverty prevails it is becoming easier
for Media to fool people. They don’t propagate the false statement, but they
modify the statements which create a question against the reality. One may be
showing the Do’s of government or company or individual but another might be
showing the Did not of government or company or individual, but for people it
is easier to catch up “Did not” aspect as expectations are endless because they
are very interested in Ration(food) than free education in government schools. Media will propagate truth if only and only if we would desire and believe in truth.
us swift to the conclusion of this topic by changing our mentality changing
media. Let us all unite to say Stop TRP based media, we youth in masses can
create awareness among our people to believe and search for truth and not to seek
media to pleasure mind. Our young masses can bring mass media to its basic
principle for the spread of truth. It is us who can control by boycotting the
TRP interested Media. Together we to unite not be the preacher of TRP media but to bring the change. We should firm with a slogan “For My Media TRP is as equivalent
to Truth”. Long Live Truth in Media Long Live Faith in Media.
Again back to definition media should be “Media
=Truth = High Television Rating Point.”